domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

II Webinar for English Teachers

II Webinar for English Teachers: Critical Thinking: A Healthy Suspicion of the Text
organized by the US Embassy in Lima, Peru.

Wednesday 23/02/2011
4:00 pm

What is a webinar?
Power point I Webinar

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Webinar for English Teachers: Critical Thinking: A Healthy Suspicion of the Text

Webinar for English Teachers: Critical Thinking: A Healthy Suspicion of the Text
organized by the US Embassy in Lima, Peru.

What:Critical Thinking: A Healthy Suspicion of the Text

Who: David Fay, Regional English Language Officer

When: Wednesday, February 9 from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. and Friday, February 11 from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m.

Join us from a computer with audio and internet access through ; choose the option "Enter as a Guest", register yourself entering your name and city (Example: Marcela - Lima) and click on "Enter Room".

* If you want to submit your questions in advance, click on the link above and enter or write to


This webinar will explore ways for teachers to inject a dose of critical and creative thinking into the reading component of English classes. We will look at a variety of texts and discuss activities to help build the students' critical awareness of the written word.


David Fay, Regional English Language Officer

David Fay is the Regional English Language Officer for the Andean Countries and is based in Lima, Peru. He has a M.Ed. in English Language Teaching and doctoral studies in U.S. literature. His main interests in the ELT field are in models that integrate culture and language studies, with an emphasis on U.S. language, history and culture, and the application of information technology to the teaching and learning experience, with an emphasis on social networking. He is particularly interested in student-teacher collaborative materials development projects that incorporate personal experience, civic responsibility, and cross-cultural understanding. He has educated students and teachers in Costa Rica, Spain, Turkey, Russia, the Middle East and Central Asia. And, he never says no to cebiche.

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

The Web of Life

"Not only a shift in consciousness, but also a shift toward consciousness, or toward mind -- a mindful universe, a universe of consciousness, of spirit, a spiritual, conscious universe. "
-Fritjof Capra